Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Blah. Had a stomach ache for the past day or so off & on. This is to be expected though.
Ate a cooked meal last night. I'm starting to think that my stomach ache could be from mixing cooked & RAW. Could also be just from eating the two RAW meals a day.
Today I had a green smoothy for breakfast & lunch as I thought it might be better on my stomach. I ate a cooked meal with salad for dinner & I feel OK.
I'm finding it easier to get up in the morning too.
I've also been feeling a bit spacey, but hey what's new?
Oh yeah... who knew there could be so much poop?


saskia said...

so this new blog of yours has inspired me to start the green smoothie thing!

Anonymous said...

When you get to like over 21yrs old tummies start not liking change.