Monday, March 31, 2008

Day Four

Had a green smoothy for breakfast & salad for lunch.
I feel grumpy & tired but then again, I always feel grumpy & tired. ;)
Not sure what I will do for dinner, whether RAW or not.
I'll let you know...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Three Days In...

Yesterday I was a little naughty & didn't eat 3 meals. I slept through breakfast (soooo needed too!) & had a coffee for lunch. I know, I know.
I had a gigantic salad for dinner.
This morning I had a green smoothy.
I'm feeling a little queasy, could this be the beginnings of detox?
Water consumption is good...

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Start...

Today I decided to start the transition from an 'eat everything' kinda girl to a RAW eatin' kinda girl.
Every year around this time (Spring), I get a hankering for change. Mainly when it comes to my diet. After Winter, like a lot of us, I am carrying extra weight & am feeling pretty blah.
I would like to have more energy so I can keep up with my kids.
I want this lifestyle change to stick so it will be a gradual thing, with tiny leetle steps taken along the way.
I won't promise you pretty pictures nor will I promise you interesting or scintillating writing.
It will be a record of how I'm feeling about the changes I am making.
You're welcome to come along for the ride.
So today I implemented two small changes. I decided to up my water intake & change one meal to completely RAW.
Today that was lunch.
Lunch consisted of lots of fruit & veg, uncooked of course. It was good...ummm...yeah.
Tune in tomorrow (?) for the continuing saga...