Sunday, May 25, 2008

More Good Stuff!

So I was talking with Lala & he reckons I'd be about 85% RAW. (He's good at the Maths thing...)
I'm still eating some whole grains & this seems to be helping with my breast feeding hunger & getting in some healthy extra calories.
Last week an acquaintance told me I was glowing!
When I told him I was wearing make-up he said something along the lines of, "No, you're really glowing!"
Bless 'im.
Today another acquaintance I haven't seen in about a year told me I looked younger. A lot younger.
I'm startin' to get my glow on!
I'm also addicted to green smoothys. To the point that I don't want to eat much else right now.
Do ya reckon that's healthy?
What's happening with you?


saskia said...

if I don't have my green smoothie, I get onery- I plan on getting prego later this year, so I will still be mostly raw, but I might eat cooked beans, whole grains- I'm really not sure yet- right now I am exploring the wonderful world of sprouting, everything!

dawn klinge said...

I have noticed a definite and attractive "glow" to people I know that eat's one of the selling points for me with the raw diet. You need to post some pictures! I've been drinking every color of smoothie- except green ;) I'll get there eventually. You did say something very helpful to me last week about eating what I like and that took a lot of pressure off me.

Going Crunchy said...

I'm so intrigued! Give us some before and after pics. Miss your frequent posts!

Teaching Handwork said...

I still inspired to go raw by reading this blog...I am bout 30% raw at the moment...slow and steady

saskia said...

did you ever get t-tapp- I lost 37.5 inches the first 60 days